- Increase your deductible. A deductibles is the amount you have to pay toward a loss before your insurance company starts to pay a claim. Many policies have a $500 deductible, but if you raise it to $1000 you will save significantly, sometimes up to 25 percent.
- Improve security. An alarm system can deter a break-in, and can also earn you a discount on your policy.
- Improve safety. A hard-wired fire system that alerts the fire department can also earn you some money off your premium.
- Review your policy annually. You may be paying for things you no longer have, such as expensive jewelry or fur coats.
- Maintain good credit. People who maintain a good credit score often get a better deal on insurance premiums.
- Ask about discounts. There may be a partnership with your employer, credit union, alma mater or some other association you are affiliated with that grants you a discount.
- Don’t count the value of your land. You should consider the cost of rebuilding the structure of your house should it be destroyed, but land value shouldn’t figure into that number.
- Ask for improvement credits. If you upgrade your electrical system, plumbing or roof, that reduces the chance for a claim, so your insurance company may offer you some money off your premium.
- Kick the habit. Not only is smoking bad for your health, it may increase your homeowners insurance premium. Be sure to tell your provider if you’re a non-smoker or if you’ve quit recently.
- Homeowners insurance is great for your peace of mind, plus it doesn’t have to strain your wallet. Contact your agent and ask about discounts.