Garrett Insurance

Giving you Peace of Mind with the Best in Employee Benefits

Employee Benefits

Employee benefits are a pivotal aspect of business operations. At Garrett Insurance, we specialize in assisting busy business owners in choosing the most suitable insurance plans and benefits for their employees. From retirement plans to disability insurance, our comprehensive options cater to diverse needs.

Small Business Retirement Plans

Small business retirement plans help your employees save up for retirement.

Some of these plans include:

  • Simple IRA plans
  • 401(k) plans
  • Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plans

These retirement plans allow your employees to make contributions directly from their paychecks. They frequently offer tax advantages for both you and your employees.

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Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

Employer-sponsored retirement plans are similar to small business retirement plans, but on a larger scale. Because these plans are for larger companies, they may include profit-sharing options.

With these plans, employers can also match or contribute to their employeesโ€™ retirement savings.

Group Benefits

Group benefits are a collection of insurance policies distributed to a group of employees. Policies under group benefit plans can include:

  • Group health insurance
  • Group life insurance
  • Group disability insurance

These benefits can be a strategic option for you and your business because you can negotiate better rates when you bundle policies.

Disability Insurance

If an employee becomes disabled to the point theyโ€™re unable to work, disability insurance offers income replacement benefits.

This is an especially important insurance policy for physically demanding jobs that put employees at a higher risk for injury.

Individual Life Insurance

Individual life insurance provides financial protection to the beneficiaries of your employees upon their death.

Both disability and life insurance can be offered as either a group benefit or an individual benefit the employee can purchase through their employer.

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Voluntary Benefits

Voluntary benefits are a set of insurance policies that employees can choose to purchase through their employer. Common examples include dental and vision insurance.

Retiree Health Coverage

Retiree health coverage benefits employees โ€” and in some cases, their spouses โ€” after they retire. Eligibility varies from company to company.

Employee Benefits

A good employee benefits plan can make a difference when attracting top talent for your company. Contact Garrett Insurance today to learn about individual and group coverage for your employees.



We welcome an opportunity to discuss your home insurance needs, so please contact us or give us a call. You can also request a quote if youโ€™re ready to get started.

Let the Garrett Insurance Family give you the Peace of Mind to Focus on What Matters Most to YOU.


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